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Gonorrhoea is very common in the UK, and it is the second most common bacterial sexually transmit-ted infection, after chlamydia. Nearly 1 in 10 cases of predominantly infected men and half of women do not show any symptoms. This proves that many cases of Gonorrhoea go untreated until the latter stages of the infection. It is important for your health to get tested if you believe you are at risk even if do not experience any symptoms.

Symptoms of Gonorrhoea:

In case of men, the symptoms include:

  • An abnormal penile discharge which is yellow, white or green in colour.
  • Burning sensation or pain on urination.
  • Inflammation or swelling of the foreskin.
  • Testicular pain or tenderness.


Same day appointments, as much time as you need with the doctor and instant referrals to our network of Consultant Specialists.

If you are experiencing health concerns, you don't have to wait any longer.

In women, the symptoms may include:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge which can be thin or watery and yellow or green in colour.
  • Burning sensation or pain while passing urine.
  • Bleeding between periods and after intercourse
  • Lower abdominal pain or tenderness.
  • Sudden heavy menstrual periods


Gonorrhoea is caused by the bacteria Neisseria Gonorrhoea, or Gonococcus. The bacteria grow in the cervix, fallopian tubes, and uterus and in the urethra of both men and women. Some possible modes of transmission are:

  • Unprotected oral, vaginal or anal sex with an infected person.
  • Sharing sex toys.
  • Passing on infection from an infected pregnant mother to her baby at the time of birth. (This may result in permanent blindness to the newborn baby.)

What we will do next

Our experienced sexual health team can help you get tested or treated for Gonorrhoea accurately and quickly. You may call us today to discuss about any of your sexual health problems.

FAQs on gonorrhoea:

If left untreated, Gonorrhoea in men may develop into a painful infection of the testicles and can reduce his fertility. It can affect the prostate and even complicate urination. In women, it can spread to the reproductive organs leading to pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. It can be the cause of an ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
If you have any symptoms, it usually begins to clear within a few days after the treatment with complete relief of testicular or pelvic pain in two weeks. Any irregularities in the menstrual cycle caused due to the infection should get cleared by the time of your next period.
You should not have sex until you fix a follow-up appointment with the doctor to confirm that you do not have an infection. This will prevent you from passing it to your sexual partner. It is also essential that your partner/s follow the same protocol, in order to avoid re-infection.


Same day appointments, as much time as you need with the doctor and instant referrals to our network of Consultant Specialists.

If you are experiencing health concerns, you don't have to wait any longer.



Suite 2, 117a Harley Street, London W1G 6AT


020 70968853

Opening HoursOpening Hours

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00

Sat - Sun 10:00 - 14:00