Occupational Health
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Occupational Health

Occupational health is related to stress management and workplace wellbeing. As a result, it reduces absence at workplaces, which in turn boosts the overall health of your organisation.

Business environments are unbelievably competitive during this technological era. In this circumstance, occupational health is more important to businesses than ever before. The NHS conducted a study recently, which revealed a drop of nearly 40% and 30% in short-term and long-term absences respectively over a year in companies that adopted occupational health in their employee policy.

At Walk In Clinic London, we provide a carefully customised service on occupational health. We first listen to our clients patiently before providing our tailored solutions that will help them improve their business’ productivity.

Our occupational health services include the following:

Walk in Clinic London is centrally located, which makes it easier to cater across a vast area, covering the city and its neighbouring suburbs.

We conduct executive-level workshops and seminars on stress management, mindfulness and other issues related to improving both the mental and physical health of your employees.

Is it possible to organise my own occupational health assessment?

Yes, it is easily possible. We’re there to help and guide you professionally to sort out any health issues related to your work environment. Our expertise on occupational health will help you to address both an existing condition or a condition that aggravates by your working environment.

Do you pass on an employee’s confidential health information to the higher management?

We’re professional and discreet in providing occupational health services. Information that you provide us with will never be passed on to your manager or reporting authority without your consent.

How can occupational health assessment benefit my organisation?

Poor health and illness of your employees will affect your company’s productivity a lot, studies show.. As far as the UK is concerned, over £12 billion are lost every year because of absence from work due to sickness.


Same day appointments, as much time as you need with the doctor and instant referrals to our network of Consultant Specialists.

If you are experiencing health concerns, you don't have to wait any longer.



Suite 2, 117a Harley Street, London W1G 6AT


020 70968853

Opening HoursOpening Hours

Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00

Sat - Sun 10:00 - 14:00