You have two kidneys and they are located either side of your spine. Each of them is similar in size. Your kidneys play an essential role in maintaining a healthy body. Their primary function is to filter all the waste material from your blood and expels it out of your body in the form of urine.
They are also responsible for controlling the levels of water and different essential minerals in the body. They have a critical role in the production of red blood cells, vitamin D, and hormones that regulate your blood pressure.
Occasionally if your doctor suspects that your kidneys are not working well, you might need to have a blood test for kidney function check. A simple urine and/or blood test is done to test for any problems you may have with your kidneys.
The kidney function test measures the, creatinine, urea, and certain dissolved salt levels in your system. Other conditions may also sometimes alter the salt balance in your blood.
Common kidney problems include infection, kidney stones and cancer. Also, different illnesses may affect your kidneys, including:
These symptoms commonly indicate that you may have a potential kidney problem which needs further investigation if other tests have proved inconclusive:
Please be aware that a single symptom does not necessarily indicate that you have a serious condition. However, these symptoms may suggest that your kidneys are not functioning as well. A kidney function test will help establish the reason for this.
Some medicines, however, unfortunately do occasionally cause kidney damage. Therefore it is important that kidney function is checked before and after starting treatment with certain medicines.
Higher than normal blood levels of urea and creatinine points to a problem with your kidneys. Creatinine is typically used as a marker to assess your levels of kidney function. (Many other waste products are cleared out of the bloodstream via the kidneys.)
A routine blood test for kidney function is customary. If however there are any abnormal results you may need further tests to find the root cause of any kidney problems: e.g. urine tests, other blood tests, scans, X-rays, kidney biopsy, etc.
If you are experiencing any symptoms which may indicate a kidney problem then a kidney function test would be your smartest move. We can book an appointment today to help you prevent any long term health issues.
It is important. Prior to the test drink plenty of water so that you arrive well-hydrated. This makes the procedure easier to perform and provides accurate results.
During the test, you are required to undergo a simple blood test. A needle will be inserted into your vein in your arm near the elbow - you may feel a scratch or prick. A small amount of blood will be taken for analysis.
When treating kidney problems an assessment will be made on appropriate medications:
Controlling your blood pressure in cases of hypertension.
Problems relating to infection and other anomalies and medications that can adversely affect the kidneys.
Any problems will be addressed by the doctor and, together with you, he/she will offer help and advice on what you need to do to improve your health.
In cases where diabetes is predicted or is the cause then you may need to see an endocrinologist. He/she will make sure you are given the correct diagnosis. Medications are important to make sure your blood sugar levels are properly controlled and the right one for you is prescribed. Uncontrolled diabetes can also damage your kidneys. You may need to correct any lifestyle choices and diet for optimum health benefits.
The earlier you get a kidney function test, even if you experience no symptoms, the better you will be informed of any underlying diseases. It is one way to be reassured that you are healthy, especially as you get older, and prevention is better than cure to the more serious and chronic health issues people present with.
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Mon - Fri 9:00 - 18:00
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